Jiangsu records year-on-year import, export growth to SCO non-founding member countries
East China’s Jiangsu province recorded an 18.4% increase in imports and exports to non-founding member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization from January to July with a total volume of 170 million yuan. Let’s take a close look.
At the Suzhou West Station freight yard of China Railway Shanghai Freight Center, numerous containers loaded with electronic products and textiles are about to be shipped to non-founding member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization through the China Europe Freight Train.
From January to July, the number of trains, containers, and cargo values sent from Suzhou to these countries increased significantly.
“In the past, we only exported some traditional mechanical equipment, including some daily necessities. However, this year we are shipping high-value goods such as LCD monitors, vacuum cleaners, and electric vehicles”, Wang Lei, On-site Supervisor of the Operations Department of Suzhou International Train Freight Co., Ltd., said.
With the further opening of logistics channels, more and more enterprises in Jiangsu are expanding trade and investment cooperation with non-founding member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
According to statistics released by Nanjing Customs, Jiangsu recorded an 18.4% increase in imports and exports to non-founding member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization from January to July with a total volume of 170 million yuan.
In the meantime, in order to help enterprises better expand into the market, Nanjing Customs has continued to strengthen targeted assistance for key enterprises on the basis of the specific situation and export plans of enterprises by comparing different preferential policies of free trade agreements, customizing preferential plans for enterprises, and improving the utilization rate of free trade agreements so as to help enterprises enhance their international competitiveness.
From January to July, Nanjing Customs issued 31506 export certificates of origin for goods exported to non-founding member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, with a value of approximately 2.427 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 5.2%.
延庆区开展约惠延庆开学礼专项消费券活动消费最高可省600元 具体是什么情况?
10月15日起, 这些区域“国Ⅲ”柴油货车限行!
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