Graeff 格拉夫发布全新Logo
Graeff officially launched the new Logo
Graeff 在全新Logo中明确了公司核心业务方向,增加了Measurement & Control Systems(测量与控制系统)的描述。
Graeff clarified the company's core business direction in the new Logo and added the description of Measurement and Control Systems.
Graeff 公司对全新Logo的颜色进行完整定义,全新Logo颜色的调配由毕业于英国皇家艺术学院的以色列裔英国籍设计师Basil完成,定义为:Graeff blue,简称为:G-BLUE,中文定义为:格拉夫蓝。
Graeff Company has fully defined the color of the new Logo. The color matching of the new Logo was completed by Basil, an Israeli-British designer who graduated from the Royal College of Art. The definition is: Graeff blue, abbreviated as: G-BLUE.
Graeff Company retains the old customer's demand for the original logo. If the customer needs, Graeff Company will still provide products with the original logo.
Since 1930, Graeff is a company specializing in pressure sensors, melt pressure sensors, temperature sensors, industrial sensors, smart sensors, flow sensors, smart sensors, displacement sensors, liquid level sensors, pressure and temperature control instruments, pressure gauges, heaters , laser technology, pressure and temperature calibration system, Internet of things and automation control system research and development, production and sales of European multinational group companies.
Graeff has established factories or offices in the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, China, Hong Kong and other countries; Graeff products are mainly used in food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical, petrochemical, energy industry, power plants, sewage treatment, marine and shipbuilding industries , environmental engineering, spraying equipment, plastics, chemical fibers, rubber, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, petrochemicals, automobile manufacturing, ceramic glass, drones, robotic systems, aerospace, mining machinery, construction machinery and other fields.
Graeff is open and innovative, focusing on the digital, intelligent, and environmentally friendly innovation of sensors and measurement technologies. It combines the Internet platform, global R&D system and local business needs to develop innovative products and measurement control solutions that meet the needs of global customers. The transformation and upgrading of industrial intelligent manufacturing has injected new vitality.
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- Graeff 格拉夫发布全新Logo
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